If you want a pair of shoes that is comfortable and practical without having to sacrifice style, check out our selection of moccasins. Outdoor Equipped is your go-to store for outdoor gear, Western wear, active wear and so much more. We carry hundreds of styles of boots, shoes and moccasins.

Moccasins: An Enduring Classic
It was Native Americans who invented moccasins, a soleless cloth shoe varying in style from tribe to tribe and designed for maximum comfort and practicality. In place of the sole, moccasins were usually made with unworked leather, while the top was a softer piece of deerskin or worked leather. Today, we make them with rubber soles, but they continue to feature the distinctive seam and comfortable fit associated with the original models of the shoe.
Of all outdoor clothing brands, Outdoor Equipped is where you want to go to find moccasins. We offer a wide range of colors and sizes, all the way from infant up to a men’s 14.
Options for Styling
One of our most popular styles is the Twisted X Men's Waterproof Chukka Driving Moccasin. This pair of shoes is comfortable and minimalist, making it perfect for everyday wear. Like many of Outdoor Equipped’s other moccasins, this style has full-grain leather on top for durability, a composite insole, slip-resistant molded rubber outsoles and a removable footbed that is moisture-wicking, antibacterial, and machine washable.
While a classic moccasin like the Twisted X Men's Waterproof Chukka Driving Moccasin is timeless, you can find so much more here at Outdoor Equipped. The Twisted X Women's Chukka Driving Moccasins, for example, feature beautifully intricate embroidered sunflowers. We stock many other styles, so you can select an accent color for the laces and stitching, adding a pop of your favorite color to your look.
Moccasins can be styled with different outfits if you want to take them beyond the rustic, outdoorsy look. They pair well with jeans, chinos or even slacks. With its suede exterior and timeless silhouette, the Minnetonka Men's Classic Camp Moccasin in black or maple can be easily dressed up or down, depending on the occasion. And don’t forget the moccasin that Minnetonka's most known for--the Thunderbird Moc.
Outdoor Gear Comes Indoors
But if you’d prefer, you don’t even have to get changed out of your pajamas to enjoy a pair of moccasins. Outdoor Equipped carries a variety of moccasin slippers, many of which are durable enough to wear outdoors and comfy enough to wear indoors. Depending how warm and toasty you like your feet to be, Outdoor Equipped offers moccasins lined with sheepskin or fleece.
You don’t need to traipse around to different outdoor clothing stores looking for the perfect pair of moccasins. All you have to do is shop Outdoor Equipped to bring home the right pair for you.